Deborah (my Mum) wants me to be a “new age dog” so I can be a role model to all Australian pets. My Mum is the Koala Woman and she knows that some dogs in Australia actually kill koalas, and that is one of the reasons things are so bad for them. And cars – I hear they are dangerous as well. Mum is going to train me so I can be the best dog ever and I am pretty sure I can learn not to hurt things. Mum’s other dogs never have, so I have great teachers. This diary will keep you up to date on my journey. |
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Click here to read our ‘Koalas and Dogs’ page
Thursday, 5th March, 2015 Can you believe it, someone has cuuulllll….not sure what the word is, but anyway, they have killed some Koalas. I won’t tell Charlie – he is too little to hear such dreadful things. Read Mum’s Diary here.
Monday, 16th February, 2015 You know, Mum says that I am just a little, well, maybe a lot, just a little bit, teensy weensy bit JEALOUS of my new brother Charlie. Everyone says he is so cute… … so adorable, so beautiful.
I remember when I was that cute…
… and now they are even saying Charlie is SO BRAVE! For those of you who are scared of SNAKES – you had better close your eyes while you read this because Charlie had a huge fight with a snake. And it was a big snake. He was just SCREAMING and Miss Bennett and I did not really know what to do because, well, it was a big snake and he was SCREAMING and then Mum came out and well, you would not believe it, she pulled that snake off Charlie and then sent him flying through the air. Phew, it was just incredible. Mum said that snake had a chance because she had him taken away from our house in the morning, but he CAME BACK. So he has now gone a long, long way away. Mum said he was too beautiful to have him “destroyed”. I don’t know what that means, but anyway Mum said he is living happily on a mountain a long way away from our house. So back to Charlie, he was brave, but you know he does not know a thing about the Koala Protection Act , is not a member of the Koala Army and I suppose I will just have to teach him everything like I do when I write to you. Charlie is a Golden Retriever like me and Mum said she is thinking of writing to every Golden Retriever in the whole world to get them to help me fight for the Koala. Maybe I should write to them! That is a good idea….
Thursday, 29th January, 2015 And he didn’t even do anything!
Wednesday, 28th January, 2015 Mum is at work, guess what. She took Charlie!
Thursday, 18th December, 2014 One of these puppies is Charlie. Merry Christmas everyone!
Mr. Darcy
Tuesday, 9th December, 2014 I am hoping to get lovely bones for Christmas dinner and I will probably share with Miss Bennett. She is very respectful to me these days because she realises that I am getting older and wiser. Mum said that, and then I lost the compliment because I actually got into trouble for sort of growling at Miss Bennett when we get our breakfast. Dear oh dear growing up is so hard.
Good news, Mum will be home for Christmas and have some holidays where we can all swim in the pool. Whooppee.
Did you know it is hot in Australia and Mum said it is snowing in other places in the world. I wonder what dogs do in the snow?
Other good news is that we are getting a new brother, called Charlie. Mum read a book about a lady who walked to the Magnetic North Pole – using her shadow as a compass and she had a beauuuuutiffffulllll dog called Charlie with her.
Mum said she is going to need all the guidance she can from us dogs so she can get a Koala Protection Act for the Koala. Me, Miss Bennett and Charlie – what a team! Will show you photos in the New Year. Merry Christmas everyone and in America, Happy Holidays!!!
See what a universal dog I am!
Mr. Darcy
P.S. That means I forgot to tell you. Miss Bennett is really excited about sort of being a Mum when Charlie comes. She loves to look after things and guess what, that means I get to go to Quinlans with Mum so I can keep her company. Whooppeeee again.
Tuesday 11th November, 2014 Make sure you buy your family beautiful Koala figts, I am going too because I love Mum! Check out the catalogue here. Thursday 25th September, 2014 Quinlans was just fantastic and I got to meet the family of Peter and Julanne who gave it to the Koalas. Save the Koala Day coming up on Friday and Mum said there is a beautiful new Shop!
Monday 11th August, 2014 Quinlans was just fantastic and I got to meet the family of Peter and Julanne who gave it to the Koalas. I was a fantastic at helping clear up after all the meals and there were 7 little kids that I could play with for two whole days.
Ian, who looks after Quinlans has a dog called Bandy and Ian said we could play for lots of the time but I still got time to help with Quinnie, an old car being taken away to be restored. That is a big word isn’t it? It means getting fixed up and then it will have a Quinlans sign on the door so that everyone in the whole WORLD will know about me and Quinlans.
No, I am not too big for my boots. I am getting quite a responsible boy now. Mum said I am looking older and wiser. She just said that everyone at AKF needs to have more support because there is a big “Operation” coming. I heard lots of talk with that word. She said that a new law is coming to help the Koala. Not soon enough for me!
Save the Koala Month next month – order your Finger puppets online, here.
Over and out!
That is Koala Army talk,
Love Corporal Darcy.
Monday 28th July, 2014 I am going to Quinlans tomorrow – and all the team at AKF are coming too. Keep an eye on our Facebook so you can see what I am doing. Don’t forget Save the Koala Month coming up. I wish they had a finger puppet with my face but Mum said it had to be Koalas (order now). See you soon
Wednesday 18th June, 2014 This is my cat brother, Mick and we love each other. It is cold here in our house and Mum lets us sit by the fire because it is winter time. He hogs it!
But I don’t mind because I am a good dog. I don’t let Miss Bennett sit close to it though!
Monday 12th May, 2014 Miss Bennett is getting very bossy and even getting bigger than me. Mum said that is because her father was HUGE! He was a Maremma and they love to look after things and they are very big.
I am still the boss though and Mum said I am doing very well about being the boss and that I have to keep it up because, guess what, we are getting two new puppies in September (that is Save the Koala Month). So that is really going to keep me on my toes and because I will be nearly 4 years old by then, Mum thinks I am up for the job.
I have so many jobs. Not chasing wildlife, not going near snakes at Quinlans, not being jealous of Miss Bennett (who can annoy me sometimes) and of course being the Mascot for the AKF. Boy that keeps me so busy.
Mum said that I am really clever and that I deserve my role as mascot so that makes me very happy. I just wish that Mum didn’t have to go to work every day. It is so great when she is home. But, it will be great because when the puppies come, Miss Bennett will have to stay home to look after them and I,
I, will be going to Quinlans with Mum! Hooray.
Monday 10th March, 2014 Hi everyone, Miss Bennett and I are now quite peaceful about the loss of our family, Tim and Polly but we miss them every day. Mum said that this must be what Koala families feel when one of their family dies on a road or is a killed by a dog (not me I would never do that!).
Mum said that the whole world would be so sad if animals went to extinction and even though our house keeps getting more and more birds, Mum said it is often because other people are cutting down trees and the birds know they are safe at our house.
The sound of chainsaws is a terrible sound and just recently we had to cut down a VERY DANGEROUS tree that had died because of the floods. It was hanging right over Mum’s bedroom and she said it would be terrible if it landed on the house. A GREAT BIG cherry picker came and a man went up very carefully and cut down all the DANGEROUS branches. Mum said a lot of birds and little things, that I don’t really see because they come out in the night time (I am in bed by then) lived in that tree. I think she said that are sugar gliders. Isn’t that a lovely name.
Anyway Mum made sure that the big trunk of the tree stayed and that all the little hollows are still safe and guess what Mum said she saw a Sacred Kingfisher in one of the holes, so even though it must have been TERRIFYING for all those little animals to hear the chainsaws, that they have come back.
Miss Bennett and I missed the whole thing. We had to go to bed even in the DAYTIME.
Only good thing about that was we had a treat!
Talk soon.
Tuesday 18th February, 2014 Koala pooh found at Quinlans! Gosh, and I wasn’t there! Click here to find out more.
Wednesday 12th February, 2014 Hello everyone, You know Mum says that being a vegetarian would be really good for the planet, but that it is very difficult to give up eating meat. Because I am a dog, then being a vegetarian does have some limited options, but guess what, I LOVE MANGO. We have a Mango tree at home and Miss Bennett (she appears to be a vego (that is Australian for vegetarian) was eating them all the time. So we both had them this morning. The cockatoos had already eaten a little bit of mine but that was OK, they are really lovely birds that live in our house too. So, every bit helps. I didn’t go without my meat today, but maybe you could have a vegetarian day every now and again. Fruit and vegies (that is Australian for vegetables) are great. Do you like my smile? Miss Bennett only smiles at Mum, not at the camera. Mum said I am a media hog. Hmmm. Not sure what that means, but she sounded lovely when she said it because she was laughing.
Wednesday 22nd January, 2014 Happy New Year! My mum says that it is 2014 now and a new year. This means that we are going to work even harder to save the Koalas. I really like helping save the Koala, it’s a big person job but because I’m so smart I help too. The Koalas and their home are in big trouble and need us now more than ever! I hope you can help with me? Join the Koala army today (Click here)!
Tuesday 24th December, 2013 Merry Christmas everyone and particularly say hello to all the dogs and cats in your family. Our family is a little sad at the moment because my big sister Polly died about 10 days ago and then her twin brother Tim was so sad that he died on Friday. Mum said that because they had never been apart (they were twins) and that they spent such a long time together that he could not live without her. I wonder whether I will be like that with Miss Bennett? Mum said some animals have a special bond, even people do too and that it is very hard to live without each other.
Mum said there was a keeper at Lone Pine who died and then all her favourite Koalas died not long after. Mum said it is very difficult to understand all these things even if you are human, let alone being a dog – even a very clever dog. Anyway it is so hot here and there will be lots of swimming in the pool and to all my northern hemisphere friends, it will be snowing. Isn’t the world just a beautiful place?
Mum also says that 2014 is going to be a very busy year, because lots of things are going wrong in the bush. I am ready to help and I hope you will be too. Thanks to everyone who reads my blog and I heard the other day that lots of children read me before I am such a good writer, so thank you to all those people and if I ever meet any of you, I will wag my tail and smile. Mum says I have a lovely smile.
See you next year
Tuesday 19th November, 2013 I know, I know, I haven’t been writing much fun stuff lately because, well, it has just been busy. Christmas is coming and I think I wrote to everyone about getting Dog Tags for Xmas – yes, I know I did that but there is so much other stuff going on, it is just ridiculous. As Mum says “where has this year gone?”
I am 3 now and Mum, and everyone says I am really handsome. I haven’t been to the office lately because I have to look after Miss Bennett. She is a very bossy person and her birthday is coming up soon. She will be 1 year old in December. She thinks she is nearly 100 I think because she tries to boss me around.
Mum makes her do everything last. Tim goes first, Polly second, me third and then Miss Bennett absolutely last. Sometimes she tries to push in on me and I get shocked by that behaviour. She even has a bit of a bad influence on me because I think I told you that I chased a magpie, which is so unlike me, but she made me do it, she really did, because she chased a scrub turkey (and they are fun to chase I must confess).
Anyway she is getting the hang of it all and this spring we have had new bird species in our paddock. An Emerald Dove and a Sacred Kingfisher which is so exciting. The Sacred Kingfisher babies cry all the time for their Mum which is a bit sad. Luckily I have my Mum everyday so I don’t have to cry.
I have also been watching a fair bit of TV – not during the daytime, but at night time, we are all allowed in and I still have the best spot next to Mum and we watch documentaries. Sometimes Mum is on them which is really confusing because she is sitting next to me but you know some of those shows are really scary. The other night this huge thing jumped out of the water and ate a big animal. Mum didn’t look frightened when I looked over, but honestly it nearly came through the TV set. I don’t think we have those things at our home and not even at Quinlans. I love watching TV and Mum says “Mr. Darcy, you really are funny!”. Am I funny?
I think I might be….don’t forget to think of the Koalas at Xmas time.
Tuesday 12th November, 2013 Hi Everyone, Mr. Darcy here. I was the first dog to be recruited into the Koala Army (click here) and I want all of your dogs to join too. The Koala Army means that I promise to help mum get a Koala Protection Act. I am so proud that I have never hurt a Koala (I did chase a Magpie at the weekend). Don’t tell mum. Why not buy your canine friend a Dog Tag with their name on it! (click here) It makes me really proud when I wear my Dog Tag, it shows that I love Koalas and will not hurt them. Help the Australian Koala Foundation in our fight for the Koala. Your donations are the lifeblood that enables us to speak for the Koala and its habitat. I’m looking forward to protecting the Koala with you and eating Christmas dinner. Mr Darcy xx
Tuesday 8th October, 2013 Mum said the “election” is finished and she is very glad that it has come and gone. Now, the time for hardwork and that is getting a Koala Protection Act. Mum said that people in the United States think that we will do it! Join the Koala Army
Thursday 5th September, On Saturday 7th September, Mum and I (probably not Miss Bennett) are going to Vote. I don’t really know what that means, but I think it means I get to go on a lead and visit a School where there are lots of lovely people who think I am famous and want to pat me. They know Mum too and they always say “hello Koala Woman”. I don’t know why they don’t call her Mum like I do, but perhaps they don’t know she is my Mum. Anyway dogs don’t have a Vote Mum said and nor do Koalas, but you do.
Monday 5th August, I have been watching a lot of TV lately and last week there was a terrific program about these HUGE animals and Mum said they were elephants.
They make a really lovely sound and that made me look at that big box, which I now know is a TV. Miss Bennett doesn’t watch, but she does plant trees as you know.
Anyway Mum said, time for me and all the dogs of Australia to join the Koala Army. There is going to be some big day where people get to Vote for Koalas and I don’t think dogs Vote, but their owners do. Are you a dog owner? Have you joined your pet to join me, Corporal Darcy in the fight to save Koalas?
Now is the time!
Tuesday 23rd July, Hi everyone, I have been very busy with Save the Koala Day planning and hoping that you might like to help the Koalas by having a Donation Box at your office, or even have a party so that you can raise money for Mum’s work. I will personally promise to help Rose put the box in an envelope to send to you. I am very good at helping when I come to the office. Even though I haven’t been as much lately because Miss Bennett needs looking after at home. She is my really new best friend and we love each other very much. She smiles a lot and really loves Mum like I do. At night time, she sometimes tries to hog sitting in front of Mum when she is watching the news. I had to tell her “that is my spot Miss Bennett”. I sometimes wonder how Mum can love us all equally but she does and of course Miss Bennett always gets everything last so she doesn’t get too big for her boots. Mum said she might be bigger than me when she really grows up because she is nearly as big as me and she hasn’t even had a birthday yet. And have you joined your Dog in the Koala Army (I actually lost my Dog Tags but don’t tell Mum).
Monday 1st of July, Have you joined your pet to the Koala Army yet? Click here.
Tuesday 11th June, 2013 Remember last time I wrote that Miss Bennett was helping with the tree planting, well, have a look at her – doesn’t she look clever?
![]() and look at all the beautiful trees Jono planted at Quinlans. We also put up some boots so that little birds can have their babies in them.
![]() I am sorry I cannot write anymore because, well, it is just so incredibly busy. We have to recruit more dogs for the Koala Army and best of all, get ready for Save the Koala Day. I usually help Rose with merchandise orders, so get ordering your donation box.
Thursday 9th May, 2013 Gosh I think Miss Bennett is getting too big for her boots and she should put them up on the trees at Quinlans (see Mum’s Diary). You know how I always walk beside Mum in the bush and at Quinlans. Well…… well, Miss Bennett sometimes goes off completely on her own. I know, I know you think I am dobbing on her, and I suppose I am but honestly! She could be killed by a snake and guess what we nearly thought she had because she came back to Mum crying with a sore paw. You should have heard her crying and I felt very sorry for her, I really did. Anyway, it was probably one of those HUGE ants that really sting and after that she seemed to keep much closer to Mum and me. We had a new friend Suzi at Quinlans and she took photos of me and Miss Bennett playing and also helping with the Bird Run Tree Planting. Miss Bennett actually picked up some of the trees and delivered them to the tree planters. I thought that was very clever actually. I didn’t want to do that but Mum said I could just supervise because I am Mr. Darcy and that I am actually a writer, not a tree planter. Good eh?
Anyway keep an eye on my Diary because in a few days you can see all the beautiful pictures of everyone at Quinlans. Gosh it was fun. Mum is going away to the bush without us for a couple of weeks. She said it is secret where she is going so don’t tell anyone. Our friend Caro is coming to look after us though and she is lots of fun.
Have you joined your dogs in the Koala Army – you MUST!
Corporal Darcy, over and out – that is Koala Army language.
Monday 15th April, 2013 Boy have I been busy, sorry I haven’t been writing. Miss Bennett takes up a lot of my time. This last week we all got into a lot of trouble because Miss Bennett, who loves gardening shredded a whole lot of Mum’s plants while she was at work. You know how you feel guilty when one person gets into trouble and you know that you could have stopped them. That’s how Time, Polly and I felt. Miss Bennett did look a little bit guilty, but she did it again the next day so she mustn’t have felt too guilty. Mum said she was missing being with Mum all the time now that she has to work so hard to save the Koalas. Mum says she will grow out of it and we all got extra toys and bones the next day, so it wasn’t all that bad.
Anyway we are going to Quinlans with Mum this week and that will keep Miss Bennett occupied. Ian, Fiona, Jono; we are all going. I love going there and guess what we are going to be planting a whole lot of trees for the birds at Quinlans on May 1 and a famous photographer Suzi is coming to take photos. If you would like to buy a tree for that, we would love that, thank you.
Anyway the most important thing I wanted to tell you is that you have to join the Koala Army and I really figured that seeing I am Corporal Darcy and Mum says I am ready for real work now, I want all dogs in the whole world to join my Koala Army Dog Platoon. So order your Dog Tags for your canine companion and I will make sure that they can be involved in the Koala Army Gatherings. We dogs can save Koalas too. They will have to be “Private” because I am their boss “Corporal”. Remember in a dog pack, someone always has to be the leader. And also remember if your dog isn’t as well trained as me, make sure he or she goes to bed when it is dark, or better still to puppy or dog training school so that they know what to do to protect our beautiful environment. I didn’t actually go to Puppy School. My Grandpa Dane and Mum taught me, but Miss Bennett did. Maybe because she isn’t just Golden Retriever, her Father was a Maremma and they can sometimes be a little scary. Mum said she is needed by our pack because we are getting something called goats. I don’t think I know what a goat is, but Mum said you can make beautiful cheese with their milk. We might even do that at Quinlans so Mum is practising at our place. Anyway back to Maremmas. They are very brave and look after things so she is perfect companion for me and Mum.
Mum said she will protect us both and might even be bigger than me. Maybe even bigger than Tim. Maybe even bigger that Dane the Great. Oh my goodness.
Over and out – that is Koala Army language.
Monday 18th March, 2013 Mum said I am very clever because I am teaching Miss Bennett everything I know and that means I am very smart. Mum said that, not me! Yesterday 3 big cockatoos came into our backyard and I “told” Miss Bennett to just sit quietly and watch them. I can’t say things like “that’s Mummy’s Mr. Darcy”, which is what Mum used to say to me, but I just sort of sat there with her and she got what I meant. I am very proud of myself. Maybe I am a dog whisperer?
Mum said I was also very good to Miss Bennett when she tried to take an empty yoghurt container off my older brother Tim. That is Tim’s job; clearing out the yoghurt tubs. He has had that job since I was born and even before. Anyway Miss Bennett thinks she sort of wants everything in the whole world and she went up to Tim and said “give that to me”. She looks so pretty and sort of smiles when she says it, but you know it wasn’t good. She sort of blaps when she does it too. Not really a bark like me, but a “blap”. Anyway she sure was in for trouble, so I decided to get her a Teddy to play with to take her mind off the whole thing which it did. Phew – it could have been bad! Dane, my Grandpa used to do that to me when I upset Tim, so there you go. I think I still miss Dane – Mum does too, but she says I remind her of him. Isn’t that nice?
Monday 25th February, 2013 Quinlans was just fantastic and Miss Bennett (who you can see is on a lead) and I saw the cows on our front paddock. They are there to eat all the grass and also fertilize the paddock for us to grow our Bush Tucker in the future. Miss Bennett was very bossy with them and Mum said “no”, quite a few times.
We were there for nearly 5 days and it rained and rained and rained and rained and like always over these past few summers we have had to wade through our creek. Mum said quite a few ladies, dressed in lovely dresses also had to do that. I was safely tucked up in bed with Miss Bennett so I didn’t see that.
Mum said it is going to be a busy year and our meetings (lots of them) at Quinlans really showed what we have to do to save Koalas.
As you know I am Corporal Darcy in the Koala Army so time to get all your dogs recruited. People think dogs only kill koalas, but I don’t and that means we need all the dogs in the world to join the Koala Army to help us.
Monday 28th January, 2013 Mum said Miss Bennett is allowed to come to Quinlans for our strategic planning meeting (whatever that is). That means I get to show her everything including the billabong at the front gate. She is going to love that because Miss Bennett is half golden retriever (I am a full golden retriever) and she just loves water like me. Mum said she is also half Marema which is a big dog that likes to look after things. Mum said she will look after all our family because that is what she is meant to do. Isn’t that nice? I wonder if she will get bigger than me?
16th January 2013 Miss Bennett and I having a bath and this was her first time ever.
14th January 2013
I have had a great Christmas and summer holidays and my new companion and I have hit it off from Day 1. Mum said I am just a “lovely boy” and that I have learnt everything about teaching from my Grandpa – you remember him, his name was Dane and Mum said I could wear his Christmas collar. Big shoes to fill, but I don’t wear it on my feet, I wear it on my neck. 18th December 2012
At our house which Mum says is our home there is this huge big picture thing and every day when Mum says “come on Mr. Darcy, let us watch the news”, all sorts of things come in to our lounge room.
It is amazing really and I haven’t really taken much notice of it until now because I have been too busy saving Koalas with Mum. Last week, there was this great thing which showed a lovely dog (I am a dog) and he was incredibly loyal to his owner even though he was dead.
He sat and sat outside a train station for 9 years, even though some people were mean to him and everything. Can you imagine anyone being mean to a dog? I am dog, that is me. Imagine anyone being mean to me? Well I cannot imagine that really. Anyway this dog sat and sat and nothing else could make him happy.
Mum said that is loyalty and she said dogs are famous for that. I am loyal to Mum. They put a statue of this dog, called Hachi outside the train station and Mum said when she goes to Japan to say thank you to a company called Lotte, she is going to go and see his statue and tell him hello from Mr. Darcy.
This week, we had a whole family of King Parrots come on to our balcony while Mum was having breakfast and she said “that is Mummy’s Mr. Darcy”, which is what she used to say when I was little so I would learn the rules about not chasing wildlife. I must say, I was a little annoyed about that because I don’t have to be told that anymore. I am a big dog now and I know that already!
![]() So if you are getting a puppy over Christmas, make sure you have very strict rules about not chasing things and they will learn to be good like me. Mum said we are getting a puppy for Christmas and her name is Miss Elizabeth Bennett and that she is going to be my companion.
![]() Anyway back to that big thing in the lounge room, the other night there was this horrible scene where a big long reptile thing ate a wilderbeest and I had to sit a bit closer to Mum because I thought it was going to eat me next. Somehow or other those things don’t seem to come out of the box into the lounge room, but boy are they pretty close.
Mum said there will be lots more TV viewing over Christmas and I won’t be writing my Diary for a few weeks and that I have to say Merry Christmas to everyone from Mr. Darcy.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Love Mr. Darcy.
29th November 2012I know, I know, I am always talking about snakes and today is no exception. When we went to bed last night a little snake got caught on the door of our bedroom and Mum had to get my friend Bill to come and get him this morning. That meant we got to have a sleep over on the verandah and we could see Mum. Usually when we are in the garage we cannot see her. It was a little scary being in the dark, but I was with my brother Tim and he looked after me. We were not allowed to go into the bush because that is not allowed at night time. Mum put up a barrier so we were all safe and it is getting hot, so we were not cold. Mum took my friend the snake to the Vet, but he died and Mum said that is very sad. I suppose he shouldn’t have been in our bedroom, but he doesn’t know those things. Dogs do.
Mum also told me about a dog called Tess who goes to work with a man who is going to help write a new piece of paper about protecting the Koalas. Apparently she is a “legal” dog, like I am a “sustainable dog” so one day I might get to thank her. She sounds like she works hard like I do. This man and his friends really care for wildlife and Mum says that the piece of paper might really be special because it will say that people who cut down trees won’t be able to do that anymore. We had a man cut down trees near us and it was really horrible. All that noise. Poor possums and baby birds. Shocking – that is my new word. Mum says “pathetic” and I say “shocking”.
31st October 2012 Quinlan’s. Well, you know I love Quinlan’s and even though I am still a little bit scared, I want to tell you a story. You have to promise that after I tell you, that you will still love Quinlan’s because snakes mustn’t make us too scared, we all have to be brave. Well, Mum and I went to Quinlan’s the other day because Jono, Banjo and Dylan are all there making Quinlan’s even more beautiful, and Mum and I got to stay there two whole nights. It was such a busy day on the Monday that Mum and I cooked our tea on the fire as usual. I shared Mum’s dinner when she was finished and then we lay down on the grass watching the stars. I wanted to go to bed, but I thought it was best to sit with Mum, and of course, after I laid down I really enjoyed looking up. It was very dark and the stars were very bright. When you live in a City you cannot see the stars as clearly as in the bush.
Anyway, I have a blanket, and I often get that and go to bed even if Mum is still up and Mum stays awake. LUCKILY I waited on that Monday night because, guess what? There were two big snakes all rolled up together in the kitchen. Mum said they were HUGEEEEEEE and also DANGEROOOOUUUUUUSSSSS!
They were mating, like Mr. and Mrs Reg from my previous Diary, because it’s spring time, LUCKILY they didn’t take any notice of Mum when she had to walk past them so she could open the kitchen door.
Mum thinks they have been in the house for a while, poor things.
So then Mum, who I think was very brave, barricaded us in the bedroom so that we could sleep soundly and Mum said the next morning that I wasn’t allowed to go outside until she said the “all clear”.
Phew! All clear and it looked like they went outside because Mum said she didn’t want any baby snakes born in the house. Well, I agree with that, that’s for sure.
Al, from Dreamworld (a sponsor of the Australian Koala Foundation), said that Quinlans has a lot of dangerous snakes so we all have to be very careful. And I was.
So that wasn’t too bad was it?
Mum said everything will calm down in a few weeks when the baby snakes will be born, and that is the way Nature intended it.
26th September 2012 – Save the Koala Month is nearly over and boy have I been busy. Sending out donation boxes, getting ticks (I had 7 one day) and watching a bird that lives at our place make a HuuuuGGGGGeeeee nest. We call him Mr. Reg and there is a Miss Reg. Mum said they want to get married and he has to build a HUUUUUGGGGEEEE nest to make her marry him and have babies. I spend a lot of my time watching him because he is a bit of a temptation for me to chase. I haven’t, I promise, but he sort of runs around like a turkey (I think he is a Bush Turkey come to think of it) and he spends hours and hours and hours making this huge pile of sticks and nests (photo). I don’t know, but some people just don’t like having those sort of birds around. Mum hasn’t yelled at him at all even though he dug up a whole lot of plants that she planted. She just thinks he is lovely and every morning Mum and I watch him being nice to Miss Reg. I will let you know when she lays her eggs. That is the next step apparently. Dogs don’t lay eggs – not sure what we do because I have been to the Vet. Get your donation box – we need all the help we can for the Koalas.
30th August, 2012 – Yesterday I gave a paper at a famous Zoo Conference and I told everyone about how I write for PETS Magazine and that I have a Blog and that I write about being a good boy and never chase wildlife and that I am very special and that I think I am really cool. Oh dear, I think my little ego is getting a little out of control. That isn’t actually quite true, it was actually Mum who gave the presentation and she was telling people that she thinks that having responsible dogs is a good thing and that I have played a very special part in educating people about what to do with their puppies as they grow – like me. I was sort of there though. I had my photo in “what it takes to save koalas” section of Mum’s paper. She said everyone there was really lovely and tonight we have to have a babysitter because she is going to a big dinner (with lots of beautiful scraps I reckon) and I won’t see her until tomorrow. It is also Save the Koala Month coming up and everyone in the whole world is going to be raising money for koalas – whooppeeee, click here to find out more. 16th August, 2012 – Board meeting today, so I am very busy. It is our busiest time of the year. I just had to go out for a quick walk and met some lovely girls from John Paul College who just thought I was adorable. They were the Blue Team on an Amazing Race around Brisbane. Mum says that is sometimes on TV, but I think this was a School one. Mum has talked at John Paul College in the past. They love koalas. ( I have been on TV too). Save the Koala Month is coming up and everyone is busily packing boxes so that all of you can help raise money for the koalas. I have been carrying pieces of paper around the office today. Rose, (I love Rose), says that I have been very useful and I going to have a quick rest before I do much more. Believe it or not, I have had two ticks in the last two days, but I feel completely well. Mum said I had to come to the office today because I need to be supervised. Supervised, and me nearly two! Do you remember when I was little? Just a reminder of my baby photo. I hadn’t even met Mum then – I can’t ever imagine not knowing Mum. Get a box to donate. I will personally pack it for you. Do you remember when I was little? 23rd July 2012: OK Mum is back and she told me that I am going to be very very busy over the next couple of months and guess what I will be two years old in October. She said I am starting to look like a DOG, not a PUPPY. I still feel like a puppy and I still tear up teddies, but not quite as many as I usually do when Mum is away. I learnt a whole lot of new tricks from my newest friends Hannah and Nick. They taught me how to play with a tennis ball and guess what, Mum doesn’t know the difference between a tennis ball and a teddy. She is so silly. I know the difference and can get exactly what she asks for now. Teddy, Ball, Stick – three words and I know them all. Now, I am also going to become Corporal Darcy in the Koala Army so watch out for me and Urban asking you to help the Koalas while we wage peace for the protection of koala habitat. Mum said that being a little boy I couldn’t have such an important job, but nearly being two, well I am ready. Corporal Darcy – don’t you love that! Mum also showed me my photo in the latest PETS magazine – gosh I look handsome.
26th June 2012: Mum is away and we miss her very much. I want her to come home but she says she is learning a lot about how to protect the Koalas in Victoria and South Australia. How can people not want to protect all koalas – that is like saying that you can be nasty to some Golden Retrievers and not others. Hmmm… Anyway, I have missed writing to you, but I just had to say that Mum will be home soon and Frank and all the others, even though we have lovely babysitters, miss her and it is very cold. Mum said it is hot where she is staying – I wonder how that can be?
4th June 2012:Mum said I have to tell you what happened at Quinlan’s at the Bush Tucker Lunch last weekend. When Mum saw me with a piece of chicken on a big metal stick that should have gone into the Pizza Oven, not my mouth, I told a “fib”. I said it was my best friend Jock who had taken it and he gave it to me. I had invited Jock and Sacha to lunch. They came with their human parents and we all had a great time. Mum said not only was I naughty but I also was nasty to my best friend. Hmmmm…I don’t think I am going to do that again. Mum said it because I am still little and that sometimes people whose dogs kills koalas do the same thing. They don’t tell the truth either. They just bury the koalas in their garden or put them in the garbage bin and no-one knows they are missing. Imagine what the koala parents think when their little koala has gone missing? Being a grown up is so hard, but I think I now know that it is so important to tell the truth – I am going to try and be good about that forever. I didn’t chase any kangaroos either and we saw some – it was great. Anyway, have a look at all the fabulous photos – the rest of the time was just great. Don’t I look handsome?
25th May 2012: Oh my goodness, I am famous – look at me, when I was little, on the blog of There is a girl called Cathy who really fancies me and she wrote lovely things about me. I might get to meet her in person one day. Mum said she is a really great supporter of koalas too. Aren’t people lovely? I am going to Quinlan’s with the whole team tomorrow – hooray – Bush Tucker lunch too. I am very good at cleaning up and I will get to see the goannas. Have a lovely weekend. 30th April 2012: Today is a very important day for koalas and Mum is very busy writing and talking to people. It has been raining a lot too. When I got back from Quinlan’s one of our native animals on the property had got himself stuck in a door in our chicken pen. Mum and I had to be very brave and we had to cut a piece of wire so the “fat” part of him could get out. You know it just shows how much you have to think about things, because Mum had our “chookpen snake-proofed” a few months ago and she thought this would be the last time we had to do all this (Australian’s call chickens chooks by the way), but we forgot about the DOOR! Anyway, I am not sure what was in his tummy, but it seemed to have moved down a long way, so he must have been in there with another smaller snake for at least two days. The poor chickens – the ones he didn’t eat –( ooops, I wasn’t going to tell you that Giovanni – our rooster is missing), are a little afraid of going back in there. Many people asked Mum and I whether we were going to kill the snakes. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?! Who ate chicken for lunch today? I did, I often get a little bit of chicken in my food for a treat. Frank does too. He loves it. Anyway, Mum said it is just the circle of life and our snake will now go to sleep for the winter. I don’t think everyone will be going to sleep over our winter. Mum said something exciting is happening on 21st May and I am going to get to wear stripes. Hmmmm, I wonder what that means? 20th April 2012: Mum has been so busy in the last couple of days but it has been great. Journalists have been coming to our house and I got to go on camera. Have a look at the koalas Facebook to see what it is all about. I am a little bit of a media hog in that regard you know, but don’t tell anyone. Mum has been saying lots of things about trees coming down and sometimes I don’t listen, but this morning I really learnt what it feels like. Because we have had so much rain over the last two years a big tree nearly fell on our house, so this morning a lot of noisy men came to cut it down. All our trees have lots of boxes for my friends the possums and they were all so scared. Mum said this is what happens to the koalas. People cut their trees down and they have nowhere to go. Luckily Mum chose some men that are really careful and this poor little possum was so frightened we had to wait for him to realise that he had another box to jump into. Tim, Polly and me all waited and guess what – he jumped right onto the verandah with us. It was so exciting, but I don’t think he will be feeling very well for a day or two. That must be shocking really. Mum said I have to tell everybody about this. Can you imagine having your house knocked over and then not having anywhere to go? That would be like being homeless. I cannot even bear to think about being homeless. I love my home very much and next week, I am going to my second home – Quinlans. Did I tell you I wasn’t able to go the last time Mum went because we heard there was a big snake under the house? Not one of those python things that eat the chickens, but a really nasty one that kills people (I wonder if they kill dogs?). Red-belly black Mum said. Anyway, I am hoping he has gone away and Mum said I have to be very, very careful. There is also going to be a Bush-Tucker lunch on the 27th May – visit the Quinlan’s section of Mum’s website and you can come and meet me. Hooray! Oh and I forgot, we had a baby Black Cockatoo and his parents in our paddock this morning. Gosh they are big and noisy. 1st March 2012: Gosh what a busy day today. I am in the office rearing to go and guess what – there are a whole lot of people I HAVE NEVER MET BEFORE!! Rose is here and I love Rose. She always has treats for me and Mum and I just went to the park and I was a “good boy”. You know Frank, well he has just fitted in with our team at home and sometimes he gets a little bossy. Can you imagine a “cat” getting bossy but he does. I think it is because he cannot go outside like me and play. I sometimes sit with him outside while he is in our cat enclosure but I think I would miss being out and about. Mum said cats cannot be trained like me not to kill things. Speaking of that, Mum said I was an incredibly good boy at Quinlan’s this week. Mum and I went there and we had to wade through the water and a big goanna was caught in a fence. Mum and two other ladies (that might help the koalas) sorted him out and he jumped onto a tree. I was a little naughty because I thought about chasing him, but Mum said NO and I listen. Mum said I am a bit of a teenager right now thinking I am a little too big for my boots. Maybe. There have been some really good (sometimes boring) meetings today. Some man didn’t help to protect the koala and Mum said it is time for all of us, including dogs to understand how serious things are for the koala. I know that – and I am going to be writing a “blog” for PETS Magazine this year. I haven’t told Tim and Polly – they will think I have a swollen head. 31th January 2012: I just love our new cat Frank. He has blue eyes, just like Logan the Koala. He is only little, but isn’t scared at all of me and Tim and Polly. Mum was so worried about Beau being sad when he lost Bob, but you know he loves Frank too and they are sharing their beds just like nothing has happened. I am really well, except I am sick of all the rain we are having. Mum has been planting trees in the rain and I am very good at sorting out all the pots. I sort of chase them around until they are completely useless and then they get recycled in the recycling bin. Mum wishes there were degradable pots made of something better than plastic, even if you can recycle them (don’t forget to do that will you?). I was just having coffee with Mum on the verandah and I just had to write to you because Mr and Mrs Duck appear to want to have more babies in a big hollow in a tree at our house, but Mr and Mrs Cockatoo who actually ‘own’ that hollow won’t let them in. It was sort of like a little war, or a battle I suppose, and Mum says that might be coming in ‘koalaland’ if the koala doesn’t get protected. I am not sure what that all means, but Mum looks very serious about it all. More soon, off to recycle more pots. 18th January 2012: Happy New Year! Thank you for my Christmas cards. Mum read them to me and there is now a new sign on the office door because I am not really a puppy anymore. Thank you Peter! You always remember me. I am going to be 2 this year and it is good that I am growing up because the koalas are really going to need me if what Mum says is right. We are all very busy at the moment planning our year. Lots of talking and writing things. Some of those meetings get a little boring for me, but they are very important. Mum isn’t at home much anymore and we all really miss her. Even though I don’t like to start on a sad note, but Bob, one of our cats, died from renal failure. Mum said koalas get that too, so that is another thing I have learnt. Beau was so sad that we had to get him a new friend. No-one likes to be alone. His name is Frank and he is gorgeous, even though I only get to see him through his Catmax enclosure. Our cats are not allowed out like me. I am not sure I would like to stay inside all the time, but they seem to love it. More soon. 12th December 2011: Mum is going on holidays soon and I don’t think I am going with her. Life will be busy though because we have people who come and go and look after all of us which is just great and the time will go quickly. Mum says it has been a very busy year, with me being sick and the koalas needing so much help. Thank you to everyone who loves me and next year we will have some exciting news for you all. It looks like I might be promoted to a new position but it is a secret and I cannot tell you anything. Tim and Polly don’t even know. Mum says now I am such a big boy and that I have so much energy it is time for me to be put to work. Please make sure that your animal friends are taken care of over Xmas like we are because we bring so much joy into your lives. Merry Christmas! Oh I forgot guess what – look what we found a neighbour’s yard on Saturday (photos below) – we have called her Maxine after the lady who knows Mum. So exciting isn’t it?
18th November, 2011 – I know you don’t want to hear this, but I have been sick again with ticks. Mum rushed home because Tim had one. Our gorgeous “Shell” who baths us found one on Tim, but my sneaky little ticks were sitting so close to my skin that everyone missed them. Tim was fine and Mum thinks it is because he is older than me (I am still little). Anyway we rushed to the Vet and he gave me that nasty injection again and then Mum put me in the garage where it was lovely and quiet and dark and I could sleep for two days. I am feeling much better thank you and now I spend the day on the verandah with lots of toys and bones. Mum says I have to do that until I am a big boy and the tick season is gone. Mum thinks the ticks are worse because we have bandicoots, but they are so good for the environment, we cannot complain about that and Mum also thinks the ticks are used to all the nasty stuff we have on our coat, so she is now using geranium oil – she read about that somewhere. I smell beautiful now and we are not sure that it works but none of us have had ticks since she started. We get it on us every morning before Mum goes to work. Gosh I miss her when she goes. I think she is going away soon for something called Christmas and that Jenny our babysitter is coming. I love her, but I am hoping this all isn’t true. Quinlans in a couple of weeks and I will get to eat some pizza out of our new Cob Oven. Have you bought things for your friends for Christmas? You can on Mum’s website. 31st October, 2011 Sorry I have been out of touch, but Mum and I have been so busy. We built the Cob Oven with my friends from Rockcote – gee it looks beautiful and I helped clean up all the food that Mum made on the day. Very helpful. I received lots of cards for my birthday and I particularly loved Mr. Cain’s from England. He had 3 Golden Retrievers on the card, just like our family. Mum took a little video of me and Bob – I love Bob (watch out for the video, I will upload it later this week). He is my favourite cat at the moment. And my little Duck that I received when I was sick – well I just love it. Thank you so much Catherine. 10th October, 2011 – Hello Catherine. Mum said you have sent me a present because I have been sick. Thank you so much. As you can see I am better today but Mum says I have to be checked 3 times a day! I haven’t seen my present yet because Mum is going to leave it at the office so it keeps longer. You know I tend to get a bit rough with some of my teddies at home and I hear it is a beautiful duck. And it QUACKS. That will keep everyone on their toes at the office. Quinlans was just fantastic. We are building a Cob Oven that will cook yummy food. I love yummy food and while I was resting at Quinlans Mum said I grew – and my neck grew one whole notch on my collar. Rockcote are donating this new oven to us and are coming on the 21st October with all their staff (twenty of them) and I will be there to supervise. I organised all the sand in readiness and my friend Ian is sorting out washing up water in our new bush kitchen using three lovely blue garbage bins. I saw Mrs. Wallaby and her baby and I promise I didn’t run after her. 3rd October, 2011 – Mum and I are going to Quinlans. Lots to do. We are putting in water tanks so that we can wash up at Quinlandia and also the showers should be operational by Wednesday. Remember me helping in the sandpit, well that is a shower block now. I helped build that and it looks fantastic. Mum said I have been living with her and our family for nearly a year now. 18th October is when Mum found me and boy am I glad I got to live with her and get to play at places like Quinlans. I have been pretty good. There is a Scrub Turkey called Reg and he has built a huge mound at our place. It is all very messy and he is making that so a lady Scrub Turkey can lay her eggs. Well, they are really good to chase, because they sort of run like the Road Runner but Mum says I have to stop that. It is very difficult, but I am trying very hard. Anyway boy Scrub Turkeys take care of the eggs and Mum thinks that is fantastic. A lot of people don’t like birds like Reg, because they scratch up your garden, but we love it. Everything is welcome here. I will let you know what I see at Quinlans. 26th September, 2011 – My Vet says I have to stay quiet for nearly a month and guess what, that is really, really hard. I want to play with Tim and Polly and go to Quinlans and play with Mum, but I have to stay quiet, because sometimes ticks can make you sick, even when you are home. Mum says I am getting better and she even took me for a quick swim in the salt water the other day. That made my nasty tick bites feel better, because there is still a big hole in my side. I am happier though and when I am watching TV I can play with Bob, a gorgeous cat. I love playing with him and he lets me sit on him. Even though I am much bigger than him, I am very gentle and he loves it. The other cat Beau, thinks he is too good to play with me. I have heard cats can be a bit like that. 15th September, 2011 – I love Vet Nurses because when you are really really sick, they let you put your head on their laps and they feed you because it is very hard to eat when you have a nasty tick bite. I have a huge hole on my side where that mean old tick bit me. Mum said it was the biggest tick she has ever seen on any of our family. My Vet Sue – she was the one who made me better, is nice too, but the nurses are really cool. I am going back to see them tomorrow and spending the day. Because I am a little bit famous, I am going to tell the world about how horrible ticks are for pets (I am Mum’s pet). Mum said not to get a swollen head, but I am going on TV (my first speaking (well barking) role). 2th September, 2011 – I am in hospital and hating it! I have been really sick this weekend – those horrible little ticks again. Mum says that it is better that I am in the hospital than at home so I can have a rest and recover and not be tempted to run in the paddocks and play with Tim and Polly. Mum checks me ALL the time and I still get them. I want to ask all the humans who read my diary to double check their dogs and cats for ticks because being this sick is really miserable. 6th September, 2011 – I have been really sick and I didn’t even get to celebrate my real birthday but I have decided to celebrate in October when I first met Mum. She was so worried about me, I could tell. Those little ticks are just horrible. I didn’t have to have injections. Our Vet (that is a Doctor for dogs) said Mum had taken really good care of me and I had to just rest. I really found it hard to walk a lot of the time. I’m all better now and Mum checks me all the time – which feels like a great pat anyway, so I love it. Now for some good news, a kookaburra is making a nest in our paddock and baby parrots are sitting in a tree just at the backdoor. They are beautiful but very noisy. They keep yelling at their mothers to feed them. It is Spring time here in Australia and everything looks fresh and new – just like me. Thanks for caring about me. 29th August, 2011 – I’m feeling a bit off colour today. Mum thinks it is from those nasty ticks. We are going to the vet this afternoon (I am not suppose to know but I heard Mum telling Rose). It was my Birthday last weekend but I chose not to celebrate, I am going to celebrate the day I met Mum and Dane and Tim and Polly. If you have any ideas on what should do let me know on Facebook 18th August, 2011 – Did you hear that Mrs. Wallaby at Quinlans has a new joey in her pouch. It seems to me that lots of animals both at home and Quinlans are having babies. At the weekend Mum and I watched Mrs. and Mr. Cockatoo bring their new babies into our paddocks. I had to sit very quietly while they wandered around near our horse trough (I usually like to sit in that), which has lots of water in it. Gosh they can screech a lot. We also have a new snake in our chookpen and Mum said she is brand new. We have called her Claire and she is very very naughty because she has killed two chickens and she completely wasted them. Her “eyes are bigger than her belly” because she tried to swallow them and couldn’t. Poor chickens. Mum is locking everyone up in our chook tractor each night until we can “snake proof” our chicken coup. Gosh there is a lot to do, but as always I will help Mum with that job. I can carry hammers now. I think I am going to Quinlans soon, so Mum said I have to be very very good and not frighten all the new wallaby joeys. PS Mum found a tick on me this morning – scary!! Make sure you regularly check all your doggy friends (cats too) for them. 20th July, 2011 – Yesterday, I found a dead duck and Mum is hoping it isn’t Mr or Mrs Duck who are having babies. Because I am such a good Golden Retriever, I brought it to my friend Jayne’s place and thank goodness she believed me that it wasn’t me that killed it. She doesn’t know why it died and Mum hasn’t had time to look at the nest to see what is going on there, so there is a little bit of confusion going on about all this. I don’t want to dob (tell on) but when Tim was little, apparently he did “kill” (isn’t that a terrible word) a little duck so Mum is a little worried that it could be Tim that might have done it. He doesn’t look guilty so that is a good thing. Perhaps Mr or Mrs Duck just died of natural causes, because Jayne saw it and she said it looked very peaceful. So, I had to tell you the horrible story and Mum said sometimes people don’t like to tell when their dog has killed a koala or anything else on their land because they feel guilty. I feel guilty and I didn’t do anything. Another thing, Mum isn’t very good at fixing up that hole or better still, I am very good at unfixing it – shhsshhh… 13th July, 2011 – Mum and I saw Mr and Mrs Duck living in a big hollow near our place and Mum explained that when their babies hatch they will jump out of the hollow and fly down like parachutes. Gosh wouldn’t that be fun. OK – so much to tell you. I have been at Quinlans and it was freezing overnight. Mum and I went to bed early because it was so cold and we don’t really have any heating there yet. We made a fire and had bacon and eggs (yum) and it was very dark. You know the noises at Quinlans at night are a little scary and I decided that I had better sit really close to Mum to protect her. Maybe it was Bunyips, but gee there was a lot of noises that I never hear at home. Raechel, Mum and I had lots of boring meetings and then guess what – we went to a new section of Quinlans and look at me! Don’t I look HUGE now. Raechel said I had grown a LOT (click on the little picture below to see the BIG ONES!). P.S. Don’t tell Mum, but I can still fit through that hole in the fence and the pool next door to our house is a lot cleaner than the Quinlans Billabong. Shhssshh. July, 2011 Mum is back. Whooppeeee. She thinks I have grown into a bigger boy and except for a bit of unsupervised gardening, I have been a really good. Since my Grandpa went away, Tim and Polly have been much nicer to me and Mum says that Tim, my older brother looks like he is going to become a really good leader of our pack. He is a bit shy, so Mum always thought that he wouldn’t, but I think he might have just have loved Dane the Great so much that he didn’t bother. Tim seems to be bigger too and Mum said that is what happens to koala boys when they become an Alpha Koala in their colony, so we have lots in common with koalas. Isn’t that cool? That is an American word. Mum has been in America. Mum said she had missed us all terribly, but that Dottie Dog, a friend of hers in Washington DC made her very welcome and let her play with her. Wasn’t that nice of Dottie? She has spots all over her. I suppose that is why she is called Dottie. 15th June, 2011 – Mum called from San Diego. She misses me and I miss her sooo much! She is doing a really good job so I can’t be too sad. She gave a presentation at something called the IABC 2011 World Conference and said everyone was really excited and wanted to help her save koalas (I wish we had conferences at the office they sound like they are a lot more fun than a meeting). I have included a photo of her telling everyone about – ME! I am glad Mum left us with Caroline – she is very good at looking after me. I had a bit of a mishap with a toy and nearly choked but Caroline rescued me. 6th June, 2011 – Mum is going away to somewhere called San Diego. She is picking up something special. She is going to be gone for a long time but there is a lovely lady called Caroline looking after me and Tim and Polly. 30th May, 2011 – My Grandpa died on Friday. I don’t really know what that means, but he is just gone. Mum said he has gone somewhere where everyone is happy and there are lots of koalas and other animals. Tim has slept on Dane’s bed since he left. That is the bed right next to me. When I was little Dane used to keep me and Tim apart because Tim and Polly didn’t really like me much. Remember that? Well, that isn’t true anymore and this morning Tim even let me play with him because I used to play with Dane first thing when I got up before breakfast. I went to the Vet with Dane and Mum and our friend Jayne. She was very kind to Mum who seemed very sad. That made me sad, so I am sitting beside her a lot. I think she likes that, well I know she loves that. I am her best friend. 25th May, 2011 – Mum says I am thinking that I am famous because I have been filmed for a French documentary on koalas. I was really good and smiled for the camera. Me, Tim, Polly and Dane had to pretend (that is being an actor) that we were going to bed, so people could see dogs really can be good and go to bed when it is dark and not get up to naughty things. But it was day time! And it was just pretend! So much fun. I had to walk around the paddocks with Mum (Polly did that too) but Dane and Tim said no, because they have done it all before. They just watched. Olivia was lovely to me. She loves animals and goes all around the world talking about them. That was more fun than meetings. Mum has to have them all the time. JM said I look more like a puppy at home. He saw me playing with the broom while Mum was sweeping but I am not allowed to actually touch the broom, just pretend to. That is being an actor too I suppose. 10th May, 2011. – You know that hole in the fence I told you about. Well, Mum didn’t do a really good job fixing that because I have been visiting the dog next door again. She is really beautiful and I love going to play with her. Mum didn’t yell at me today, she just said very quietly “soon, you will be too big to get through that hole”. Mum is so clever isn’t she, to know stuff like that. And she fixed it (again). I was supposed to come to work today, but, well, I was so wet from swimming in the creek, I was allowed to stay home. Now to wild dogs. Did you know that they can really hurt people, animals and even koalas. Mum said she thinks they might be hurting koalas far more than she originally thought and a man is going to say all that in Canberra next week. Mum is going away too because she has to tell people a lot about what is happening to the koalas. I help her do that too. Here is a picture of me and my Grandpa “watching TV” Click photo to see full size image
28th April, 2011. – Did you know that chocolate is really bad for dogs?. Mum had little kids over at Easter time and they were not allowed to give me chocolate, but we had lots of bones instead. I think they taste better and of course you can always dig them in the ground for later. I got into terrible trouble over the Easter break. I found a hole in the fence and worried Mum a lot because I went missing. Polly was really worried about me so she “dobbed” on me to Mum and showed her where the hole in the fence was. Gosh Mum can be scary when you come back through the fence in the dark and she is there screaming at you. I don’t hear the words ” NAUGHTY BOY” very often. Usually it is a lovely Hello Mr. Darcy. I think I prefer the latter so don’t think I want to do that again. Anyway I can’t because I had to carry the fencing wire to patch it up. I enjoyed doing that, so there was some fun at the end of it all. Mum says I am behaving like a naughty teenager, so I guess that means I am growing up. I am nearly as big as Polly, but not Dane, my Grandpa who I love very much. Quinlans lunch went very well. I actually did not get invited to the actual lunch but helped Raechel and Mum get ready for it. Everyone loved it. 14th April, 2011 – You know those things I told you about ages ago, the things that have long tails and yell a lot. Well I now know what they are. They are cats! The reason it has taken so long to find out, is because I have never been inside our house before. Mum said I was too little and too bouncy for inside. The big dogs can and I had to be put to bed early. Now I am bigger, I am allowed in, even though I am still a little bouncy, but gee those cats are good fun. Bob especially loves me and I love pulling his tail. Technically it isn’t chasing, but Mum says ah ah every now and again and I have to stop and then be good. Our cats are not allowed out into the garden, because you cannot train them like me. They kill things. Mum says they are NBK’s, (Natural Born Killers). They don’t look nasty and they sort of purr a lot when they see me, but I trust Mum, so that must be right. Quinlans for 5 days next week and I guess I will be allowed to swim again. Yeah! Click photos to view larger images 8th April, 2011 UPDATE: Photos of me helping with the shower block at Quinlans 8th April, 2011 I have been at Quinlans this week with Mum because she is getting ready for a big lunch there next week. I helped build the new shower block with Ian (I am going to post photos later today) and he invited me (and Mum) to have dinner at his house. He has a B&B where people can have a bath with a fire under it right on the side of a mountain. He loves dogs and his dog, Bear is old like my Grandpa Dane. I had to be very good and not be too rough with him. I swam in the billabong at Quinlans for the first time. I am very brave because it was quite deep water. Mum says I am big enough to do that now, even when it is flowing quite hard. She says I have learnt from the floods and how dangerous it can be. It is getting cold at Quinlans now, the summer is going away and I think winter is coming because my coat is getting a little furrier. Have a great weekend. 4th April, 2011 I chewed up one of Mum’s hats the other day. I didn’t mean to do it. It just happened. I don’t think she is going to be able to wear it again either. Mum thinks it is because I had such a great time visiting Acland and my friends out there, that I was a little bored. It was raining too. Tim and Polly didn’t want to play with me. My Grandpa told me not to do it. It wasn’t my fault, really it wasn’t. It was a dog that came in from down the road. Not! It wasn’t. It was me. Mum says it is because I am a teenager and that I am getting a little too big for my boots. I don’t wear boots, but I actually got to wear a bandana over the last couple of days. It was bright yellow and it says No Mines (in koala habitat). On the back it says “If arrested, please return this dog to the AKF”. I heard some people are being arrested. I wonder what that means? Would that mean I cannot stay at home? I think it does. Why would they arrest people trying to protect koalas? Hmmmmm. Would they arrest me for chewing up a hat? Don’t think so. Phew. Had a great weekend with Mum. Wonder if I will be in the office this week? 22nd March, 2011 – I have heard that a lady teaches her little boy to read by reading my blog. Isn’t that the best thing you have ever heard, so hello to you. I am still learning lots of things and at the weekend, I was brave enough to go swimming in the creek with Tim and Polly. The day before I got stuck and had to be pulled out because we have had lots of rain and I jumped in without thinking how to get out. That was very silly wasn’t it? . ItI can be very boring in the rain. I cannot go and play in the paddocks and Dane just wants to sit on his bed and snooze. Dane is my Grandpa and this morning I was growling at him to play – he loved it. We play the grrrrrr game together. I growl at him and he growls back at me. Terrific. 17th March, 2011 – Mum is starting to hear about other good dogs. Last night she went to a thing (I had to stay home again) for dogs and people that were hurt in the floods and everyone knows she is the Koala Woman. One lady told her about a dog (same brand as me) who had “pointed” at a koala that was stuck in a front door (a bit like Winnie the Pooh stuck in his hole). Her dog would never hurt wildlife but the lady was really good and put her dog in the laundry while the koala got himself out of the door and went safely up the tree. Cool story eh? I would have done that too I think. Mum is putting a green ribbon on me today and said I should bark Irish today. th March, 2011 – Mum bought me some stuff back from the Taste of the Liverpool Plains – and I had to stay home and eat it. 4th March, 2011 – Just a quick note to let you know I am at home having fun with my babysitter Jenny. Mum is in Gunnedah at the Taste of Liverpool Plains Festival. It sounds like great fun with lots of yummy food from the Plains to taste. Mum is there as something called a guest speaker, she says her and the other guest speakers are talking about how important the area is for Australia’s food security. She says that everyone is worried that the area is going to be turned into coal mines and apparently you can’t eat coal. Mum is telling everyone how good mapping stops this sort of thing happening. Sounds very important. Have a good weekend. 28th February, 2011 – Mum is going away to Gunnedah on Thursday to talk about koalas and she is going by plane so I am not allowed to go. I have to stay home with my grandpa and a baby-sitter. This is the first time Mum has left me and she hopes I am going to be good. Jenny is our baby-sitter and she loves us, so I think it will be great fun. I hear there is going to be new fresh bones every day she is away. That all sounds pretty encouraging. I helped Mum all weekend with planting again. I am very good putting the pots away and those rakes and brooms are really terrific to play with as well. 23rd February, 2011 – I went swimming in the creek this morning. Boy was it muddy and Mum said I had to stay home. I also had a little “accident” in the office yesterday too when the Postman came. I was so excited to see him. Dane had to stay home today because his hips are sore. When we got home, he was very cross when he realised he had missed out on the long walk. I was so tired after our swim that I didn’t even get to say goodbye to Mum when she went to work. I bet the girls are missing me but you know I love staying at home too. So hard to make the decision to come to work. Board meeting in the morning. Will be up bright and early. 16th February, 2011 – I am off to the Vet today, having an operation. Mum says it will keep me being a boy that doesn’t chase girls. Why would I do that when I have Mum? I love her and gosh we had a great time at Quinlans. I was very busy and helped Raechel, Craig and Paulette set up a new kitchen. I spent a lot of time in the sandpit organizing all the sand for the concrete. A very important job and when it rained in the Billabong, I had to try and catch all the rain drops. That is a very big job and it took me hours. They seem to disappear as quickly as they came down from the sky. We had to walk all the time ,because the road has been flooded, but we loved it. Mum and I would go down each morning and night looking for platypus and Mr. and Mrs. Greentree Frog, as always were on the back verandah. I passed my first kangaoor (or was it a wallaby) test. I heard boing, boing, boing and there they were. When I don’t know what something is, I usually sit down and think about it a while so it was great for Mum to teach me that I just have to look at them, not run after them and scare them. Gee they are really cool. Those laughing birds were there again. Think I am staying at home for a couple of days. Mum says I might not feel very well.
8th February, 2011 – In a couple of days Mum and I are going to Quinlans. This is the first time I will have been there since the floods. We might have to walk up to the house because the road we normally travel on is all washed out. I won’t mind that at all, but everyone will have to carry all our food up a long drive-way. Over the summer I have been helping Mum plant trees at our place, and guess what, we are going to be doing that at Quinlans. I know how to do that – I am very good at carrying the empty pots once the trees have gone into the ground. I did actually take one tree out of the ground. Mum said I am not allowed to do that but gee they come out easily. Don’t tell anyone, but yesterday when I was left at home with my family (I didn’t go to work), I chewed Mum’s Garden hat – just the big flower of it. She told me she knew I would do something naughty. How do Mum’s know that stuff I wonder. 2nd February, 2011 – This has been a very busy week. I attended lots of meetings in the Board room. Apparently there are some really important documents being written for some sort of Inquiry into the koalas and why they are disappearing. I got a little bored of listening to it all and went to sleep a couple of times and then we had dinner. That was great and of course I got to help to clean up. Walking through the city at night time with Mum was really fun too. So different from where I live in the bush. You don’t see many dogs – only dogs like me who are helping people who cannot see. They are very clever dogs. . They are not allowed to talk to me. Mum said I could have been one of those dogs. There are lots of birds – all the same in the city too. Yesterday at lunchtime Mum and I watched hundreds of them. They are called pigeons, not as pretty as the ones at my house which are white and yellow and pink and grey and even ones that sound like they are laughing. I think this document Mum and the team are writing is pretty important. Read Mum’s Diary if you want to. 28th January, 2011 – Sad news. The Queens (chickens) have drowned in our pool. 17th January, 2011 – the sun is shining and I am very glad the rain is gone. Mum and I have had a great holiday and guess what, Tim has decided to play teddy with me. Mum gives us all lots of teddies and usually he plays tug of war with Polly, but now he wants me to play. Whooppeee! The Queens and I are very good friends and they don’t seem to mind if I sort of run at them, which gives them a bit of a fright (but it is fun). I heard a rumour that my sister Polly hurt a chook (that is Australian for chicken), when she was little and she got into terrible trouble. She always looks very upset when I play a little hard with the chickens. She still doesn’t like me much, so she won’t tell me what she did when she was little. Even so, I am not so little any more. I can now go on longer walks now and pretty much I do everything Tim and Polly do, well, that isn’t quite true. They swim in the creek, I am a little bit scared about that yet. I want to, but gee, it does look scary. The top step of the pool for me right now, and Mum is teaching me to swim in the pool but makes sure I know how to get back and out of the pool. Gee, she is a good Mum to me. She says we have a busy year, but today, well, I suppose I am still on hols! 11th January, 2011 Holdiay Blog 10th January, 2011 – I am not coming back to work until next Monday, but I thought you might be missing me. Gee, Christmas is fun. I got lots of presents and of course Christmas dinner. Because there were so many people coming and going, I have had to help with the clean up and I am getting very good at it. Tim and Polly show me how. Mum got a chook tractor for her present (photo coming) and it was so funny because the two little black chooks that came with it, don’t like being in there. They are called Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth because they don’t like working. They are now living in the pool area and seem to love it. Mum says they look like they have “cozzies” on, so it is a perfect place for them. I must confess, I love looking at them. They look completely different to real chooks and I did sniff them which made them mad. By and large I have been a very good boy. I did not go in the flood waters when Mum took us all for a look at all the water and at Quinlans Mum showed me how to just sit on the edge and look at it. Mum drove through the water too fast and her number plate came off. She seemed a little flustered after that. She said she was silly. I cannot imagine Mum being flustered, but there you go. I helped plant all the bush tucker food at Quinlans and Mum says when I am really big like Dane, that it will be making lots of yummy food. She said I will be teaching a new puppy how to be good when I am twelve. 16th December, 2010 – We had Secret Santa today and everyone is very happy because it is Xmas. I am going to Quinlans next week with Mum as there are lots of people planting trees and putting in bush tucker. Mum said we are going to say thank you to everyone for helping with drinks and nibbles. I hope they are serving bones and, come to think of it, Jim the butcher in Kenilworth has given me some bones so things are looking very bright. Hello to the two gorgeous ladies in Charlotte Street who love me. I love seeing you. I do miss the puppies at home when I go to Quinlans but Mum said we are going to spend a lot of time together over Xmas and I will be back at work on 17th January. If I don’t write again before Xmas, have a fun time. 14th December, 2010 The No’s: Chasing cane toads. Chasing butterflies (this is very difficult not to do because they do flip around the place). Digging up new plants, especially the red and white ones for Christmas. Dane, my grandfather has a special Christmas collar and he loves it. I might get one for Christmas if I am lucky. Apparently I won’t be at the office for a few weeks because Mum is going on holidays and she keeps saying what fun we will have in the pool. I tried that over the weekend. I got to sit on the top step and gee, when you look down at your feet in that water, my legs look shorter. Anyway, I will look forward to swimming in the pool – whatever that means. I am off to Quinlans before Xmas so I will write from there. I was very useful there last week. While the girls were painting the dormitory I got to re-arrange all the sand in the shower block. I did an excellent job. Tuesday 7th December, 2010 Thursday 2nd December, 2010 Monday 29th November, 2010 ![]() Thursday 26th November, 2010 Everyone here is very busy and it is getting hotter. It is nearly summer – it starts on December 1. I think that means I will lie in the kitchen a lot more when I haven’t got things to do like carry things for Lorraine. Monday 22nd November, 2010 Thursday 18th November, 2010 |
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Wednesday 17th November, 2010 Tuesday 16th November, 2010 Monday 15th November, 2010 Thursday, 11th November, 2010 Tuesday 9th November, 2010 Monday 8th November, 2010 Friday 5th November, 2010 Tim, Polly and Mum went for a walk early this morning. I had to stay home and look after Dane. He isn’t allowed to go anymore because he has sore legs (I think he is old), but he is a great playmate and yesterday when it was raining, well he let me snuggle up to him so I wasn’t cold. He can play tug of war too which is terrific. Wednesday 3rd November, 2010 – I have mastered not chasing the chooks. Jayne, my friend at home, said I was “walking with chooks, not dancing with wolves”. She is very proud of me about that. Then I went to Quinlans and had a baby-sitter, Liane while Mum was talking to lots of people about our new place. I saw yellow-tailed black cockatoos, 5 of them. Gosh they are so noisy, but I listened very intently. One lady wants to have “deep listening at Quinlans”, so everyone can hear all the birds. I think I am going to be good at that. Didn’t see any snakes, but I wasn’t allowed out on my own. I had to be on a lead, which was still fun and the verandah at Quinlans where everyone has lunch is a lovely place to snooze. I also went for a quick swim at the beach on Sunday. I didn’t really like the waves, but did check out the billabong at Quinlans. There was another puppy in the water, but no matter how hard I tried, he just wouldn’t come out and play. Perhaps next time. Talking to all the girls on the beach is fun, they all seem to adore me, which is nice. This morning, after mastering getting into that noisy lift and also walking across that busy street, some ladies called out “Mr. Darcy”. Great they remembered me. The Police next door chat a lot too. Everyone says I have grown but still very cute. Photos soon. Thursday 28th October, 2010 Friday 22nd October, 2010 Thursday 21st October, 2010 |
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Wednesday 20th October 2010: I have a big job ahead of me. I have already visited Quinlans and Mum says we will be up there a lot teaching people from all over the world about how we can all live in harmony together. There are snakes there, so I have to be careful, but the most important thing for me to learn and to teach is not to hurt wildlife. I am sure I can do it. In the meantime, life is pretty good. I am meeting the koala team and I like them all. I sit in the main office with Jane keeping a watchful eye, and occasionally I visit Mum’s office. She is very busy. |
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