Conserving the Wild Koala and its Habitat
The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is the principal non-profit, non-government organisation dedicated to the effective management and conservation of the Koala and its habitat. Our main goals are to refine and update the Koala Habitat Atlas mapping of all wild Koala habitat and to get the Koala Protection Act enacted to ensure Koalas and their habitat are protected.
Adopt a Koala
When you Adopt a Koala you are helping save their wild counterparts. You will receive a personalised adoption certificate with a photo of your Koala of choice, a welcome letter from the Koala Woman, Koala stickers, and of course our thanks.

Deborah’s Diary
Read Deborah’s Diary

Koala Army
Enlist in the Koala Army

How many Koalas?
Find Out How Many Koalas Are In Your Electorate
Find how many Koalas are in your electorate and if your local MP supports the Koala Protection Act or gives Koala habitat the Axe.