Imagine – Key Chapters
5. Current Legislation is failing to protect Koalas
6. Urban Development is failing to protect Koalas
7. There is no such thing as a Koala-friendly road
9. How did this Koala get chopped in half?
12. Is Government getting good advice?
14. The AKF is 100% opposed to Offsets
< Click cover image to read the entire document.
Remote sensing shows south-east Queensland koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) prefer areas of higher tree canopy height within their home ranges
Home range studies allow investigation of faunal habitat use within a well-defined area, and for some species, the concept of ‘core’ and ‘non-core’ home ranges provides the means to examine how resource use varies within home ranges. Taking this approach, we investigated whether koalas preferentially used areas of taller forest canopy within home ranges. After an extensive examination of data quality and home range estimation methods, we used remote sensing techniques to provide canopy height information at high resolution.
Factors confounding koala habitat mapping at multiple decision‐making scales
The Koala primarily eats leaves of the Eucalyptus genus and wildlife managers are, in most cases, currently dependent on habitat maps depicting food resource availability derived from low‐resolution regional‐extent vegetation maps. These maps might not capture resource variability at planning extents, or at resolutions where Koala ecology processes operate. Consequently, potentially high‐quality habitat may not be considered in planning decisions. We examined four different broad‐scale low‐resolution habitat maps within a small area in southeast Queensland and compared the classifications of each.
Regional Variation in Forest Canopy Height and Implications
for Koala Habitat Mapping and
Forest Management
Previous research has shown that the Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) prefers larger trees, potentially making this a key factor influencing koala habitat quality. Generally, tree height is considered at regional scales which may overlook variation at patch or local scales. In this study, we aimed to derive a set of parameters to assist in classifying koala habitat in terms of tree height, which can then be used as an overlay for existing habitat maps. To determine canopy height variation within a specific forest community across a broad area in eastern Australia, we used freely available Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data…
Koala forest habitat varies with fire severity
The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is at risk of extinction in the wild as a result of ongoing habitat loss due to clearing, and extreme weather events including fire. In 2022 the Australian government upgraded the conservation listing of the koala from Vulnerable to Endangered. In late 2019 and in 2020 Australia experienced widespread severe wildfires and many threatened species were adversely affected. A 230 hectare forested property with known koala habitat near Crows Nest, Queensland, Australia, was surveyed three months after a wildfire in November 2019, to assess impact, and then annually for three years to assess recovery. The most resilient tree species and forest types were identified to assess koala habitat robustness…
Read document
Planning Guidelines for Koala Conservation and Recovery
The aim of these guidelines is to inform local government planners, regional planning bodies, community organisations, developers and environmental consultants how best to conserve and restore koala populations in fragmented landscapes. They specifically target the urban and semi-urban local governments and regions of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, although the general principles captured in the guidelines equally apply to rural areas.
The Spot Assessment Technique
In order to more effectively conserve Koalas, the National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009 – 2014 promotes the need for reliable approaches to the assessment of Koala habitat. This work describes a point-based, tree sampling methodology that utilises the presence/absence of Koala faecal pellets within a prescribed search area around the base of trees to derive a measure of Koala activity.
Bob’s Map – Koala populations then and now
Following the 2006 decision by the federal government to not list the Koala as ‘Vulnerable’, the Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) made the decision that in order to protect the species, we needed to have confidence in just how many Koalas remained in the wild, and where those Koalas were located. This resulted in Bob’s Map (named after the past chairman of the AKF); a project, based on best science, with the specific aim of estimating and monitoring the national Koala population.
The Koala Habitat Atlas
The Koala Habitat Atlas is the spearhead that encapsulates the Australian Koala Foundation’s prime objective—conservation of Koalas in the wild—using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. Habitat that Koalas need to survive is identified, mapped and ranked to give land-use planners this vital information in a practical format.
Inquiry into Australia’s faunal extinction crisis – Submission by the Australian Koala Foundation (AKF)
2018 submission.
The Inquiry into the status, health and sustainability of Australia’s koala – Submission by the Australian Koala Foundation
2011 submission.
Recommendations to the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC) – Submission by the Australian Koala Foundation
US Listing of the Koala as a Threatened Species
“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is listing the koala, a bear like, tree-dwelling mammal indigenous to Australia, as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Although habitat destruction is the primary threat to the survival of koalas in the wild, other factors such as human encroachment, widespread fires, domestic dogs, and disease also are contributing to population declines.”
Koala Myth becomes Scientific Fact
The purpose of this paper is to discuss how an old myth has become scientific fact. This paper will show how the following words, “There were no bears on the Goulburn when the white men arrived, and I believe this is because they were an easy meal for an aborigine”, has now become part of the scientific literature and how a comment made in the 1800’s is now influencing government policy on the koala.
The Economic Value of the Koala
Carbon and Koalas collide
This document articulates two things: 1. Protecting the koala forests of Australia is an imperative step towards reducing greenhouse emissions in Australia and, 2. Our science shows it will be impossible to replace the carbon in those forests if they are destroyed.
An Inconvenient Koala – The case for a Koala Protection Act
AKF’s presentation slides explaining the importance of a Koala Protection Act.
Black August – Queensland’s Open Season on Koalas in 1927
“From 1 to 31 August 1927, Queensland held what was to be the last open hunting season on koalas in Australia. David Stead, President of the Wild Life Preservation Society of Australia, warned that 300,000 would be killed. This figure was ridiculed in certain quarters, but as later events would show, even Stead underestimated the carnage…”
Beyond Sprawl – New Patterns of Growth to Fit the New California
“California is at a unique and unprecedented point in its history – a point at which we face profound questions about our future growth that will determine the state’s economic vitality and quality of life for the next generation and beyond. One of the fundamental questions we face is whether California can afford to support the pattern of urban and suburban development, often referred to as “sprawl,” that has characterized its growth since World War II.”
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