Koala Woman Says
There are hardly any Koalas in this electorate which includes the Yass, Tumut, and Wagga Wagga areas, this is a puzzle, particularly as the State Forests around Tumut contain a few significant Koala food trees. Perhaps they never recovered from the fur trade, and any remaining Koalas would have been severely impacted by the 1939 “Black Friday” wildfires that burnt much of this country. And again in 2019-2020 when half the bush was burnt. With 13 records between 2015-2023, if Koalas in this electorate are not totally extinct, they are certainly functionally extinct.
Member for Riverina
Mr Michael McCormack MP
The Nationals
Suite 2, 11-15 Fitzmaurice St Wagga Wagga
NSW 2650
Will he Act or Axe?

Koala Numbers
Estimated AKF Koala Population: extinct
Estimated Koala Habitat left: 42.7%
Estimated Federal Government Population: No data. No opinion.
Listed as endangered under the EPBC Act (Feb 2022)