Koala Woman Says
Koala populations in this electorate are at very low densities, with higher concentrations found around Armidale and between Inverell and Warialda. They might be stable around Armidale, but, for e.g., a long-studied population at Nowendoc west of Taree was recently affected by bushfires and numbers have certainly decreased there. A 2016 study concluded that populations on the New England Tablelands were declining everywhere. There are very few Koalas east of the New England Highway (where most of the bush is) , this area was extensively burnt in 2002-2003, and again in the summer of 2019 – 2020, so any recovery has been wiped out. Other, much smaller, habitats are fragmented by cleared farmland, we need to look at restoring habitat connections to ensure populations can be stabilised or even increase. The AKF’s Koala KISS Project in Warialda will do just that.
Member for New England
The Hon Barnaby Joyce MP
The Nationals
PO Box 963 Tamworth
NSW 2340
Will he Act or Axe?

Koala Numbers
Estimated AKF Koala Population: 500-700
Estimated Koala Habitat left: 55.9%
Estimated Federal Government Population: No data. No opinion.
Listed as endangered under the EPBC Act (Feb 2022)