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Koala Woman Says

In 1905 Rockhampton was as one of the key sources of the 200,000 Koala skins then exported annually in Australia and many of them came from this electorate, for example, around Clermont. That’s more than twice the total number of Koalas left in the whole of Australia in 2025. Koalas were practically wiped out in this electorate and recovery has been very slow. Koalas persist at low densities around Clermont and Marlborough, and recent research has identified a nationally-significant population between Mackay and the Galilee Basin coalfields in the Clarke-Connors Ranges. There have been many road kills reported on the Peak Downs Highway between Nebo and Mackay as a result of increased traffic between Mackay and the coal mines around Moranbah and Clermont. Between 2014 and 2023 345 Koalas were hit by vehicles along this road. This is not a sustainable level of attrition. Elsewhere, planned coal mines will destroy thousands of hectares of good habitat.

The Koala population in this electorate is scattered and at low densities, there is a fair amount of habitat but it is mostly of lower quality. These Koalas are very sensitive to climate change. Currently Koalas are found as far west as Blair Athol; with a future 2oC temperature increase there won’t be any Koalas west of Nebo. That’s a nearly 200-kilometre contraction in geographic range. In the long term, Koalas in this electorate will only survive if their near-coastal habitats are protected.


Member for Capricornia

Ms Michelle Landry MP
The Nationals


PO Box 1919 Rockhampton
QLD 4700

Will she Act or Axe?

Koala Numbers

Estimated AKF Koala Population: 3000-4000

Estimated Koala Habitat left: 55.7%

Estimated Federal Government Population: 20,000

Listed as endangered under the EPBC Act (Feb 2022)

Support the Koala Protection Act

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