All Federal Candidates who won a seat in the 2013 Federal Election have now been assessed after being asked the simple question “Will you support the enactment of a Koala Protection Bill”. Most of the members have taken their party line and the answer is ‘no’.
A Yes, and they receive a ‘Claw’ or [if not,] an ‘Axe’
. At least one elected member will be asked to table a Koala Protection Bill but the AKF will only table the Bill when we are sure ‘we have the numbers’ to support it’s passing in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
The questions we asked were;
These questions are still relevant except Question 1, because the Koala is now listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act. Labor (Democrat) Minister Tony Burke did so on May 31st, 2012 and since then the AKF has grave fears that there is to be a relaxation of the guidelines for the protection of Koala habitat. Many fear a new conservative Government (Liberal (Republican)) may diminish the environmental laws even further.