Save the Koala Shop
Adopt Smarty Pants
$30.00 / month
Smarty Pants is a wild Koala, and lives near a coal mine that may destroy his habitat. Smarty Pants is known to make a regular appearance at the ANZAC service in Acland, where the AKF Chairman, Deborah Tabart, attends annually. Although Smarty Pants lives in the wild and may look like he is enjoying the juicy eucalyptus leaves of whichever gumtree his heart desires, he faces the real threat of mining. For a Koala, not only does this result in the loss of habitat but also food. The total area of gas and coal mines in QLD and NSW is equivalent to 2.7 per cent of the Australian continent and much of this is Koala habitat. Smarty Pants represents all of the koalas threatened by mining and by adopting him today, you will help him get one step closer to attending next year’s ANZAC service.