Palmy, Deborah Tabart OAM’s alter ego
Palmy grew out of the fury that Deborah has experienced after seeing so much suffering, not only for Koalas but all creatures great and small in Australia and globally. There is not one animal on the planet that does not suffer the consequences of human greed, exploitation and cruelty. On the other hand, Palmy and Deborah both know that human kindness will ultimately win over those that wish to harm and exploit. Palmy wants to tell stories; stories of the bush and how individual animals are affected when their homes are lost to development or wilful neglect. She feels empowered and motivated to speak for creatures that are now currently voiceless. Palmy gives Deborah the opportunity to show humour, which can be lacking in this worrisome world and they have both contributed to an amazing creative team in creating scripts for many species and encouraging Urban, the animated Koala to show his talent and knowledge.
For interviews and media opportunities contact:

Commander in Chief
The Koala Army

Voice for Creatures
Great & Small

The Koala Woman
Deborah Tabart OAM
AKF Chair
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