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Life cycle of the Koala

The breeding season for Koalas is approximately August to February. This is a time of increased amovement for Koalas, with sound levels increasing as males bellow more frequently. This is also when the young from the previous year leave their mothers and disperse....

Physical Characteristics of the Koala

The Koala is a marsupial The Koala (phascolarctos cinereus) is an arboreal (tree dwelling), herbivorous (plant eating) marsupial. The word 'marsupial' comes from the Latin word marsupium, meaning 'pouch’. Most, but not all, female marsupials have a permanent pouch in...


Taxonomic classification, or taxonomy, is used to help identify all living things (animals, plants and other organisms on earth) and to group them with related species. Most of these groups, and the organisms grouped in them, have scientific names in Latin or Greek....


Results from the AKF's Koala Habitat Atlas deliver a grim picture of the status of Koala populations in all regions studied so far. Available habitat was found to be fragmented and degraded, and in many areas of suitable habitats, no evidence of Koalas has been found....

History of Koalas

Koalas or Koala-like animals probably first evolved on the Australian continent during the period when Australia began to drift slowly northward, gradually separating from the Antarctic land mass some 45 million years ago. Fossil remains of Koala-like animals have...

Interesting Facts

Students: you can read our FAQ section here, or use our search function up the top to search for specific info!- Koalas are not bears. They are not placental or 'eutherian' mammals, but MARSUPIALS, which means that their young are born immature & they develop...

Education Resources

Learn about Koalas Koalas mean so much to the world. Even the hardest human heart melts when it comes into close contact with them - especially in the wild. In conservation terms, the Koala is a 'flagship' species for other lesser-known parts of the ecosystem. The...

Senate Inquiry

Senate Inquiry 2018 AKF Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Australia's Faunal extinction crisis 2014 AKF Submission to Inquiry into Australia's Environment 2011 Senate Report 2011 AKF Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the status, health and sustainability of...

Our Sponsors & Supporters

Sponsors & Supporters contribute to a healthier environment and brighter future for one of the world's most cherished species - the Koala. At the same time, they enjoy the benefits of being aligned with one of the world's leading conservation organisations - the...

The People Involved

National Board Barry Scott OAM (Founder) Deborah Tabart OAM Lorraine O'Keefe Robert Gleeson Andrew Timbs David Bruce David Grant Fantastic Staff Dave Mitchell - Landscape Ecologist Dave has been working with the AKF as a landscape ecologist since 1996. In this vast...

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