Want to Volunteer your Skills?
Would you like to volunteer your efforts to help us realise our vision for Quinlans? A wide range of skills are useful, including painting, gardening, building, plumbing and many more.
We rely heavily on volunteers to make things happen. Generous donation of materials by Rockote and a working bee of volunteers produced this wonderful outdoor oven which is a focal point of the Quinlandia day camp where we hold Bush Tucker lunches and cooking schools. Volunteer.

Be a Quinlans sponsor
Peter and Julanne’s original bequest set the scene of a generous benefactor tradition. Others have followed providing funds that are essential for us to develop Quinlans facilities. We need your donations to deliver its vision. You can join this select group of loyal supporters and help us by donating specifically to Quinlans. Click here to donate.
Help us by donating things Quinlans needs
There are many things we still need to upgrade Quinlans facilities for it to realise its full potential. Early supporters donated a wide array of goods and services that enabled Quinlans to become operational. These included water tanks, plumbing services, and an outdoor oven. We still need the following items:
- Water tanks
- Plumbing materials and services
- Building materials and services
- Fencing materials and services
- Paint and painting services
We also welcome suggestions of items and services not listed here that you think might be useful. Please email us if you can help out with any of these: akf@savethekoala.com.