Koala Woman Says
This electorate appeared to be doing a bit better than the adjoining northern electorate of Fairfax with over 300 records, but there have been only 60 in the last 10 years, and 23 since 2020. These Koalas are disappearing. The electorate includes the Glasshouse Mountains and Maleny and stretches west to Conondale. The valleys have been cleared for farming, and most of the remaining vegetation is rainforest so Koalas can’t use it. Koala populations are therefore in small, scattered groups, with a concentration between Palmwoods and Maleny. Interestingly there have been only five records east of the Bruce Highway (e.g. Caloundra) since 2005. Here, good habitat was replaced by pine plantations many years ago and the rest is under threat from continuing development.
Member for Fisher
The Hon Andrew Wallace MP
Liberal National Party of Queensland
Andrew.Wallace.MP@aph.gov.au PO Box 1224 Buddina
QLD 4575
Will he Act or Axe?

Koala Numbers
Estimated AKF Koala Population: 100-150
Estimated Koala Habitat left: 34.7%
Estimated Federal Government Population: No data. No opinion.
Listed as endangered under the EPBC Act (Feb 2022)