Koala Woman Says
This electorate has the highest density of Koalas on the South Australian mainland and includes the Eden Hills where there are some natural eucalypt woodlands, and Belair National Park where most Koalas are seen. Other hilly areas have certain development controls to preserve scenic amenity. Why not increase scenic amenity by planting Koala food trees in these areas, thereby improving habitat quality and maintaining habitat connectivity? While there are lots of Koalas in what’s left of the bush in this electorate there is also an incredibly high mortality rate from vehicle strike, dog attack and disease. It is concerning that fewer Koalas have been seen in urban areas in the last few years. What’s going on here? Is there enough street lighting for instance? Are speed limits too high? Are dogs restrained at night?
Member for Boothby

Australian Labor Party
PO Box 570, Gelnelg SA 5045
Will she Act or Axe?

Koala Numbers
Estimated AKF Koala Population: 2500-3000
Estimated Koala Habitat left: 17.9%
Estimated Federal Government Population: 1020
The South Australian Government opposed the protection of the koala and there is no Federal protective legislation in place.