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Koala Woman Says

A few Koalas in the southeast of this electorate escaped shooting for the fur trade in the 1920s; probably in the Naracoorte area where there is a record from 1944 well before translocations began from Kangaroo Island to the Mt Lofty Ranges. Today most of these original Koalas are in the Mount Gambier area where there now are lots of blue gum plantations and presumably, just like the plantations across the border in Victoria, Koalas use these plantations. We don’t hear about any Koala deaths from plantation harvesting in South Australia but they are the same companies with the same management practices (or malpractices as far as Koalas are concerned) as in Victoria, so you can be sure Koalas are killed in South Australian plantations too. These plantations may have sustainable forestry certification, but we know that won’t really have any effect until a national Koala Protection Act is enacted and enforced.

It’s totally ridiculous that the South Australian government thinks there are 10,000 koalas in this electorate, that amount of habitat just isn’t there and it is one of the most fragmented landscapes within the Koala’s entire geographic range. I bet a Koala could go for years and not see a mate.

There are some translocated Kangaroo Island Koalas near Renmark, these Koalas might as well be living on another island but they seem to be hanging on since they were dumped here in the 1960s.


Member for Barker

Mr Tony Pasin MP
Liberal Party of Australia


Shop 17, Murray Bridge Market Place, South Terrace
Murray Bridge SA 5253

Will he Act or Axe?

Koala Numbers

Estimated AKF Koala Population: 300-400

Estimated Koala Habitat left: 26.6%

Estimated Federal Government Population: 55-10,000

The South Australian Government opposed the protection of the koala and there is no Federal protective legislation in place.

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