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Myall Koala & Envt Group works with MidCoast Water to save Koala tree

22 November 2016 –

We were delighted to hear today that the Myall Koala & Environmental Group was recently successful in having a Swamp Mahogany tree classified as a “significant tree” by MidCoast Water in New South Wales.

Originally slated for removal because its root system was impacting the sewer pipe below, the Group put together a list of 27 sightings (and some photos) of koalas in the tree, which is situated behind a pharmacy. This tree has a long history of koalas visiting, dating back to at least 2003.

The classification of a “significant tree” now means that greater consideration must be given whenever any activity might put it in danger. MidCoast Water and MidCoast Council are now discussing alternatives to avoid removal of the tree in the future.

We applaud the efforts of The Myall Koala & Environmental Group and the decision by MidCoast Water.


Before the Flood

24 November 2016 –

In the lead up to the United States' presidential election, National Geographic released a film with Leonardo di Caprio titled Before The Flood, which was available to view for free on YouTu...


Fire in Port Stephens threatens local koala population

11 November 2016 –

The Newcastle Herald reports that "more than 9000 hectares of koala habitat was burnt" in this week's bushfires in the Port Stephens area. For the local koala population, the situation is looking very...


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